High School & Prep Schools


Parents face the daunting task of selecting which high school or prep school to send their child.  Here are a few things to consider to help make the decision much easier.  Keep in mind, this advice is coming from someone who strongly believes if the athlete has done well to master the fundamentals of the sport, and is balanced so that character has been developed, he/she should do well wherever you choose. Don’t get me wrong, there are some dumb coaches out there that provide a horrible experience for youth but keep in mind the real prize!  (See How to earn a Scholarship) to better understand my point.

  1. Create a list of school options
  2. Work with what you do have! First, begin with the schools in your local area that best fit the goals you and your child set for her/him.
  3. Work with what you don’t have but want! By faith, add schools to the list that are not realistic but truly fit the goals you have set. Academics, athletics, social, preparation for college.
  4. Identify which schools have tuition and which schools do not and also identify if scholarship(s) is a detrimental factor.
  5. Take into serious consideration the distance from home to school and how that will impact the family.  Dinner together, ability to attend games/events/matches, study hours, supervision, etc.
  6. Interview, (cough) I mean meet the different coaches long before your decision if at all possible.  At the end of the day, you are entrusting the coach with your child and you should have a good idea of the coach’s character!!!!  Speak with other athletes and their parents regarding the coach.

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