Earning a College Scholarship


College tuition costs are rising and parents and their children understand the need to earn a scholarship to help to defray all or part of the cost. Here are some tips that may be helpful in that pursuit to earn a scholly, (scholarship)!

Do you love it? Are you good at it? Are you a natural?  Am I willing to do whatever it takes to master it?

Critical questions you should ask yourself or your child but not the end-all to resolving if you can earn a scholarship.

Early Action Steps:

  1. Identify the right sport(s) for early maximum development with minimum bodily harm.
  2. Identify appropriate foods to eat to assist with maximum physical development, repair & recovery.
  3. Create an appropriate schedule to balance family time, academics, athletics & fun. (Contrary to popular belief, the more balanced the athlete is, the more likely the athlete can focus during athletic participation and reduced risk for burnout.)

Later Action Steps:

  1. Selection of sport. (Things and interests change by the time they reach high school). Multiple sports is good if possible
  2. Selection of high school or prep school. (Can be critical in some cases but never fatal)
  3. Selection of personal trainer. (If necessary)
  4. Selection of AAU, Travel team, etc.
  5. Selection of camps

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